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Author Interview – Melissa Barker-Simpson

I thought readers may be interested in hearing more about Melissa Barker-Simpson’s thoughts behind her new novella, The Contract, simply because I have questions for her, and I’m a reader too!

Melissa is kind enough to take the time to stop by and have a talk with us.  And please, don’t be shy.  If you have a question for Melissa, ask away!

Gina:  Where did you get the idea for your new series, The Fractured?

Melissa:  I’m not sure if you know this about me, but I really love wolves. So it’s not surprising that I’ve always wanted to write a tale about werewolves. Since my stories are character driven, I’ve had to wait until the right character came along. Last year, Maddison introduced herself to me and I couldn’t stop thinking about this feisty witch, who uses her hair as a weapon. As I got to know her…

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