Let the rythmic images beat with Your Heart and with #Percussions and #Keyboards!
Follow me on an irresistible urge to flee, to escape from everyday life, habits, everything that stifles us and crush us …
an escape to the Jungle, to #Nature, to #Freedom! Run! Run! Let he beating of your Heart follow these #sounds, giving rythm to your running, and opening Your #Path to the Unknown, to a New #World, a Better World! Never give up!
…now, put on Your Headphones, turn the Volume up…and GO! Happy Earth Day!
– All the images on this video are Copyright by BluedarkArt, from #Adobe Stock ✽ https://stock.adobe.com/fr/contributor/200929677/bluedarkart
– Music ‘Escape to the Jungle’ is composed by BluedarkArt : Copyright by #BluDarkMuse ✽ https://soundcloud.com/bludarkmuse
#escapeintothewildvideobybluedarkart #wild #musiccopyrightbluedarkart #design #bluedarkartadobestock #bluedarkartdesigner #videosbybluedarkart #videobybluedarkart #videocopyrightbluedarkart #photography #musicbybluedarkart #bluedarkArt #percussions #adobestockbluedarkart #sound #designsbybluedarkart #bluedarkartyoutube #rythm #illustrations #bludarkmuse #videos #youtubebluedarkart