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I refuse to spread hate.

Because that is what they want.

I refuse to blame a religion.

Because that is what they want.

I refuse to be afraid of things foreign to me.

Because that is what they want.

I refuse to close my eyes.

Because that is what they want.

I refuse to hide.

Because that is what they want.

I refuse to be ignorant.

Because that is what they want

I refuse to help build walls between cultures.

Because that is what they want.

I refuse to play their games.

Because that is what they want.

I refuse to let the enemy take over my mind.

Because that is what they want.

I refuse to let them win.

Because we are better than a minority that is not only attacking Europe, but even terrorizing their own people. And we mustn’t let them win.

And we have to let all of those – who these terrorists claim to fight for, but who judge these crimes just as we do – know that we do not blame them. This was an act of violence committed by a community of people which wants to drive a wedge between cultures.

Don’t let them win by widening the gap. We have to stand united.

Paris, you are not alone! The whole world is with you in these dark times.

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