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☼ My Tropical Soul – Photography by BluedarkArt ☼

I Love Tropics. I was born on Tropics, lived on Tropics 🙂

I love the way the breeze blows in the palm trees leaves,

I love the bright colors of Nature,

I love the juicy, colorful and sweet Fruits,

I love the soft, warm sand under my bare feet,

I love the exotic and harmonious architectures,

the colorful clothes of people, the warm light of the sun,

I love exotic strange and beautiful animals,

and the many shades of blue and green that the Ocean offers to our eyes …!

And on my Travels, my camera is always with me! 🙂

I’ve collected here some of my Photos. They’re all on sell on my Portfolios! 🙂

Just click on the Photo You like, the links lead to the image You choosed!

Enjoy this Travel through these Colorful Images!

Strada Esotica di Palme-Palmtrees Exotic Street-2
Chiesa Creola delle Antille-Carribean Creole Church

Come see more Photos on this Gallery on Fotolia, and this Gallery on Shutterstock

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