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License SOLD “Chameleons Hunting, Dragonflies, Butterflies, Ladybugs” Vector Illustration © Bluedark

Chameleons Hunting, Dragonflies, Butterflies, Ladybugs – Vector Illustration © BluedarkArt

I just SOLD a license of

This Design is the 🌟 WINNER 🌟 of the Contest “DEVIL OF THE DETAILS”, on Dreamstime

“A Jungle Scenery with several chameleons hunting insects like Dragonflies, Butterflies, and Ladybugs. Three of these chameleons are hidden in the vegetation, with their green camouflage, but one, rainbow-colored is opening his mouth to take out his long tongue and capture the Dragonfly in front of him.”

Check out my Portfolio on DREAMSTIME, HERE! Thank You!

All Designs, illustrations on Portfolio are unique and under exclusive © BluedarkArt

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