One of my latest creations is now available on Fotolia: Voodoo / Macumba Smileys Emotions, a Set of 9 Web Icons made on Vector Graphic Art.
This Set of fun vector illustration “Voodoo Macumba Smileys Emotions Icons” is available on Adobe Stock
Available in AI/EPS and JPEG formats, this vector file may be downloaded for all kinds of professional uses. The V and XV files are delivered in AI/EPS. To modify this file, vector editing software such as Adobe Illustrator, Freehand, or CorelDRAW is required. JPEG files are available in different resolutions (up to 3,873 x 3,873 pixels in 300 DPI).
To download this vector file, you can buy Fotolia credits or purchase a subscription plan and benefit from the amazing price of 0.16 € per image.

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